Monday, July 30, 2012

Hack your windows XP to a new Start Button

Now in order to change to text on your start menu from "START" to any thing you want, here is an very easy and cool tutorial.

In order to make the change we need to pen the explorer.exe file found in c:\windows\explorer . Make a backup copy of explorer.exe to explorer_backup.exe.

If any thing goes wrong you'll always be able to restore your backup and get back to the way it was before the hack.

Open the resource hacker and select the explorer.exe file.

Once you have opened explorer in Resource Hacker you will notice a menu appears on the left side of the program with a lots of different expandable menus columns. The category we are going to use is String Table.

- Double-click String Table which will show several numbers
- Double String 37 to expand it
- (IF you are using the Classic Layout rather than the XP layout, use number 98 instead.)
- Click 1033
- Double-click the start text in the right column.
- The text start should be highlighted and the surrounding quotes should not.
- Now type the new text you want in your start button. It cannot be more than 10 characters in length and must be surrounded by those quotes.
- Once you edit the text, the Compile Script button will become enabled. Click the Compile Script button.
- Click FILE-> Save As and save you new file as explorer.exe in the windows directory.


Now we need to tell the OS to use our new hacked explorer file.

1. Click Start -> Run -> type in regedit and ENTER.

2. Navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

3. Double click on the registry entry named Shell and change the value from explorer.exe to explorerhack.exe

4. Click OK to close the registry editor/

LOG OFF the user and log back in ENJOY you newly hacked START BUTTON with your text in it :)

Please Comment below for any queries and links